Requesting leave days, approving absences, calculating holiday entitlements, keeping track of leave days and other absences, etc. are time-consuming processes and cost you a lot of time and energy. We want to make the organizational process around working hours as easy and pleasant as possible for you and help you manage absences efficiently.
A huge step forward has been made! You have decided in favor of TimeTac, and the phase of time-consuming research of various providers and solutions is already behind you. But before you can get started with time tracking, your TimeTac account needs to be set up and filled with all the necessary data. You can do this setup process all by yourself, or you can hand over most of the ...
TimeTac has been offering you the possibility to configure Single Sign-On as an authentication method for your TimeTac account for quite some time. From now on, you can do the implementation yourself, without the help of our support team, and save yourself the waiting time. We have created self-explanatory tutorials for you, which will guide you through the process step by step. If questions should arise, we are happy to ...
Sick leave among employees and management has a direct impact on the profitability of a company. Absences due to sickness lead to an additional workload, increase demotivation and the error rate. Therefore, it should be of interest to every company what the reasons for absenteeism are and how they can be avoided. We show you seven strategies for health management in your company.
Especially since the Corona crisis, working from home has become increasingly popular. Virtually overnight, many companies were able to enable their employees to work from home. Good for many of them, but a challenge for the management. We have summarized tips on how to manage your employees well despite working remotely.
We have improved our TimeTac mobile app for Android for you and released the new version of the app last week. In the process, we looked at how our users use the app in their everyday work, which functions they need most, and whether they can find them quickly and efficiently. The goal was to design the app in a way so that you can work efficiently with it. Discover ...
When processing personal data, the company must ensure that only authorized people can access this data. How should passwords be designed to protect them from unauthorized access? Even with time tracking, access authorization should of course be based on secure user data. In this article, we will show you how you can create secure passwords and password policies in your TimeTac account.
In our practice, we often experience that stakeholders and other user groups are confronted way too late when introducing a new time tracking software solution. But why is it so important to involve all user groups early in the implementation process? In this article, we inform you about what you have to keep in mind and what factors are crucial for a successful implementation of time tracking in your company.
Despite current developments concerning the coronavirus, we are glad to inform you that TimeTac is available for you as usual. Find out in this blog article how and when you can reach us by phone and how you can use TimeTac to enable your employees to work from home. Moreover, we are happy to consult you in topics like short-term work and other working time models that might be interesting ...
It is almost guaranteed that the owner of a dog benefits from taking their beloved pet to work. Here's why dog-friendly working environments promote happiness, why dogs reduce employee stress and how you can create a comfortable, safe place for employers, employees, and dogs at work.
HR departments don’t look like they did decades ago - and there is a good reason for that. Technology has changed the world in general as well as the world of work and continues to do so. There are a lot of new tasks and challenges HR managers have to face and various new skills and qualities that are required.
Timeboxing is a simple technique and an effective way to manage your daily workload. You simply allocate a certain amount of hours or days to a task - the aim is to complete the task within the set time frame. However, timeboxing can have its challenges when implemented in practice. Here are some tips on how to manage your time successfully.
From experience, we know that there are some important factors to consider when you first start using TimeTac. Therefore, we have put together five useful tips for a successful start with our time tracking software.
In your daily work routine there are so many different things to remember and one can easily forget to press the Start button and track their time. You then have to reconstruct the working day and add up the working hours, while instead time tracking should be something you do automatically without spending a lot of time thinking about it. Here are some tips on how time tracking can become ...
Are you usually on time or running late? Do you finish tasks within the period stipulated? Are you able to accomplish your goals set? Do you constantly feel like you’re behind? But the most important question is: Are you a good time manager? Here’s why time management is of great importance and how managing your time efficiently can help you to be more productive at work.
Vacation is not only associated with relaxation and leisure. In everyday working life, the time before and after the vacation can sometimes be associated with stress. We have compiled tips and tricks on how you can counteract vacation stress.
Teamwork is of great importance in order to achieve success. As beneficial as teamwork is, being part of a team often involves dealing with conflicts and challenges. Here are some ideas on how to become a highly valued member of the team and how to deal with conflicts.
There are many reasons why projects fail. Companies often find pitfalls with projects due to poor planning, misunderstanding financials and ignoring risk management. Here are some ideas on how to avoid them and, if you are already in one, how you can climb out of it.
The key to success is a smart management of scarce resources. However, financial capital is no longer among one of them. According to Michael Mankins and Eric Garton, experts in organizational effectiveness and design of Bain & Company, the truly scarce resources nowadays are time, talent and the energy of the people in your organization. They state that these resources are too often squandered and there is plenty of advice about ...
Professional services firms concede that a few billable hours fall through the cracks. But in fact the amount of time lost is a little more than you thought. In our current article, we show you 3 ways professional services firms lose billable hours and how to prevent potential revenue leakage.
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Most Read
- How to manage your employees who work from home
- 4-Day Workweek: A Model for the Future?
- Quality Assurance at TimeTac
- 4 Weeks to the Successful Start of Time Tracking
- How to keep overtime costs down
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