Blog for Time Management and Time Tracking
Here you will find information, tips and tricks, and other articles on productivity, time management, and more.
Additionally, we also inform you about all the latest news regarding our time tracking software.

Despite current developments concerning the coronavirus, we are glad to inform you that TimeTac is available for you as usual. Find out in this blog article how and when you can reach us by phone and how you can use TimeTac to enable your employees to work from home. Moreover, we are happy to consult you in topics like short-term work and other working time models that might be interesting ...
17.03.2020 Time Management and Tips
Organizing services and different tools used in daily work can become a very extensive activity. Companies that aim to focus on their core product and task tend to outsource support activities (such as project management and time tracking) to third party software solutions. At some point, employees have lots of different services, various accounts followed by a large number of usernames and passwords. This can affect the effectiveness of the ...
03.03.2020 Time Tracking Solutions
We are happy to start our new year with a preview of our new feature of our TimeTac App for Android: Geofencing. Our customers are more than welcome to exclusively test the beta version of the app feature. Find out more about how you can predefine areas where time can be tracked mobile.
16.01.2020 New and Improved
It is almost guaranteed that the owner of a dog benefits from taking their beloved pet to work. Here's why dog-friendly working environments promote happiness, why dogs reduce employee stress and how you can create a comfortable, safe place for employers, employees, and dogs at work.
18.12.2019 Time Management and Tips
Track time on your Apple Watch while you're on the move. We have developed the TimeTac Apple Watch App, which works in combination with your iPhone. With the Apple Watch you can start, pause and stop a task directly on the watch. Find out more about the App and how you can download it right away in our blog post.
04.12.2019 New and Improved
From the very beginning of our software life cycle we make sure that the quality of the software is treated with the highest priority. This way, TimeTac ensures a productive usage of the software, that meets predefined requirements and quality criteria even before we provide our products and services to customers. Our development team explains what quality assurance at TimeTac looks like and what the benefits for our customers are.
18.06.2019 Time Tracking Solutions
The time tracking apps from TimeTac have been redesigned and redeveloped in order to improve your mobile user experience. The main focus during development was on usability, performance and design of the new apps, besides an enrichment in functionalities. In this blog article we will introduce you to some of these new features as well as the release process and details about when the new apps will be available for ...
22.05.2019 New and Improved
HR departments don’t look like they did decades ago - and there is a good reason for that. Technology has changed the world in general as well as the world of work and continues to do so. There are a lot of new tasks and challenges HR managers have to face and various new skills and qualities that are required.
26.04.2019 Time Management and Tips Time Tracking Solutions
Timeboxing is a simple technique and an effective way to manage your daily workload. You simply allocate a certain amount of hours or days to a task - the aim is to complete the task within the set time frame. However, timeboxing can have its challenges when implemented in practice. Here are some tips on how to manage your time successfully.
26.03.2019 Time Management and Tips
From experience, we know that there are some important factors to consider when you first start using TimeTac. Therefore, we have put together five useful tips for a successful start with our time tracking software.
26.02.2019 Time Management and Tips Time Tracking Solutions
In your daily work routine there are so many different things to remember and one can easily forget to press the Start button and track their time. You then have to reconstruct the working day and add up the working hours, while instead time tracking should be something you do automatically without spending a lot of time thinking about it. Here are some tips on how time tracking can become ...
07.09.2018 Time Management and Tips
Are you usually on time or running late? Do you finish tasks within the period stipulated? Are you able to accomplish your goals set? Do you constantly feel like you’re behind? But the most important question is: Are you a good time manager? Here’s why time management is of great importance and how managing your time efficiently can help you to be more productive at work.
05.06.2018 Time Management and Tips
The European Union has taken a large step towards improving the security and protection of EU residents’ personal data in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Effective from 25th May 2018, it will place strict requirements on companies and employers as to how data of individuals are handled.
17.04.2018 Laws and Regulations
Gender equality is a moral and a business imperative as well. Unconscious bias often holds us back but behavioral design offers a new solution. Recent research by Iris Bohnet examines behavioral design to de-bias how we live, learn and work. In her award-winning book “What Works - Gender Equality by Design” she hands us all the tools we need to make changes that have a huge impact on benefiting businesses, ...
09.02.2018 Expert Interviews
Vacation is not only associated with relaxation and leisure. In everyday working life, the time before and after the vacation can sometimes be associated with stress. We have compiled tips and tricks on how you can counteract vacation stress.
28.07.2017 Laws and Regulations Time Management and Tips
Teamwork is of great importance in order to achieve success. As beneficial as teamwork is, being part of a team often involves dealing with conflicts and challenges. Here are some ideas on how to become a highly valued member of the team and how to deal with conflicts.
10.07.2017 Time Management and Tips
There are many reasons why projects fail. Companies often find pitfalls with projects due to poor planning, misunderstanding financials and ignoring risk management. Here are some ideas on how to avoid them and, if you are already in one, how you can climb out of it.
23.06.2017 Time Management and Tips
The key to success is a smart management of scarce resources. However, financial capital is no longer among one of them. According to Michael Mankins and Eric Garton, experts in organizational effectiveness and design of Bain & Company, the truly scarce resources nowadays are time, talent and the energy of the people in your organization. They state that these resources are too often squandered and there is plenty of advice about ...
07.06.2017 Time Management and Tips
Professional services firms concede that a few billable hours fall through the cracks. But in fact the amount of time lost is a little more than you thought. In our current article, we show you 3 ways professional services firms lose billable hours and how to prevent potential revenue leakage.
01.06.2017 Time Management and Tips
Are your employees classified at the right rates? Are certain employees exempt from overtime? Are the hours being tracked and accounted for correctly? When it comes to overtime pay, there is a variety of regulations that your company has to comply with in order to avoid costly wage and hour disputes. Learn in this article how to avoid getting on the wrong side of the Labor Department.
18.05.2017 Time Tracking SolutionsCategories
- Expert Interviews
- Laws and Regulations
- New and Improved
- Time Management and Tips
- Time Tracking Solutions
Most Read
- How to manage your employees who work from home
- 4-Day Workweek: A Model for the Future?
- Quality Assurance at TimeTac
- 4 Weeks to the Successful Start of Time Tracking
- How to keep overtime costs down
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