Time Management As A Key To Success
by Magdalena Fladl, 05.06.2018
Are you usually on time or running late? Do you finish tasks within the period stipulated? Are you able to accomplish your goals set? Do you constantly feel like you’re behind? But the most important question is: Are you a good time manager? Here’s why time management is of great importance and how managing your time efficiently can help you to be more productive at work.

Time Management Tips
Why is time management of great importance? Once you learn how to manage your time efficiently, you won’t have to worry about deadline pressure or stress in general anymore. As a result of managing your time wisely, you’ll be more productive and procrastinate less. It always seems like there are not enough hours a day to get everything done, regardless of your job or industry. Some might constantly feel like they’re behind.
But what’s the answer to that? Do we have to work more hours a day to keep up with our work? Certainly not. Nowadays people in our society like to be hyper-productive which means they are always trying to multitask (e.g. checking emails, running from desk to desk, making phone calls, and running errands). But there are ways to manage your time more effectively.
Measure Your Results – Not Your Time
Simple and effective. We often focus on how long some tasks take us to complete while we should focus on what we accomplished in a day which also helps us to plan more effectively. One way of measuring results is to keep a list of tasks you’ve completed on each particular day. It is simple and will motivate you and allows you to focus on your accomplishments at work.
Set Priorities and Focus On Your Goals
Only if you know your goals and what you want to achieve you can get there. You have to set priorities. This means that you have to be aware of which tasks are not important enough and can wait a little longer while you focus on the important tasks that need to be done.
Target to Be Early
No matter how hard we try to be on time – sometimes we just run out of time, and we can’t manage to meet our deadlines. However, when you target to be early, you will most likely manage to get your work done in time. Make sure you set deadlines that make sense because there is no point in setting deadlines and always pushing them back. If you set your deadlines a few days before you actually have to be done with the task you won’t have to stress out about other things that will possibly get in your way.
Stop Multitasking
It often seems that people who multitask accomplish more, but it is most certainly not the most efficient and productive way to get work done. Try to focus on one task and then start the next one. Switching tasks too often can lead to a decrease in your productivity, and it will be hard to stay focused. Once you’ve completed your task, move on to the next one.
Don’t Get Distracted
Your phone rings. Instant messages pop in. What else is distracting you at work? Nowadays, we are able to be contacted 24/7, whether it’s via the phone, email or social media chats. At times, it can be very hard to stay focused on your actual work, and you won’t be able to concentrate on your tasks. Try to limit your time checking emails to a minimum and stay off of your phone during working hours. This will also allow you to get done with your tasks more efficiently without having to worry about distractions.
Track Your Time Spent
Sometimes you need to reflect on how well you spent your time at work. Are you planning efficiently, or is there anything you could change in order to be more productive at work? Is there a need to re-organize something? There is a simple solution: Time tracking.
Time tracking gives you an insight on what you could change for the better, how you could plan and work more efficiently. Sometimes smaller projects and tasks take up a lot of time and effort but are not profitable enough. It is time for you to begin to reflect on whether you are spending your time well or not. There are different types of time tracking:
Project Time Tracking
A Project Time Tracking software solution for more convenient project planning. Record your project hours: Detailed project and task structures that allow you to see exactly how much time is spent on each activity. Detailed statistics and reports: TimeTac offers reliable and accurate reports where you can see how much time is spent on specific projects and tasks by different departments and employees for time frames ranging from one day to one year. Find out more about TimeTac’s Project Time Tracking software here: Project Time Tracking
Employee Time Tracking
Do you need an overview of your employees’ attendance, absences, additional hours, shortfall of hours and overtime? You want to make sure your employees are paid the correct amount of money for working overtime? Find out more about our Time Tracking Software Solution and how it can benefit your business in many ways.
Leave Management
Online Leave Management offers you all the features that are necessary for requesting and processing annual leave and vacation. Employees can request time off within a second – Managers will receive the request for approval. TimeTac’s Leave Management solution shows the employee’s entitlement and other absences planned in their department.
Manage Your Time Efficiently
TimeTac supports you, no matter which time tracking solution you need.