We are available as usual for you
by Gabriele Kaier, 17.03.2020
Despite current developments concerning the coronavirus, we are glad to inform you that TimeTac is available for you as usual. Find out in this blog article how and when you can reach us by phone and how you can use TimeTac to enable your employees to work from home. Moreover, we are happy to consult you in topics like short-term work and other working time models that might be interesting for you during this situation.

Update for our customers
Due to current developments regarding the coronavirus, we are concerned about our staff’s health. In order to remain at your disposal, the TimeTac team is working remotely from home.Our customer service is not affected in any way! We are happy to state that TimeTac is operating as usual and so is our customer service.Numerous companies are undertaking massive changes due to the safety regulations concerning coronavirus. For example, they must reorganize their employees and enable them to work from home or work short-time. This blog article offers you numerous ways of how TimeTac can help you in this extraordinary situation by continuously providing you with an exact and location-independent overview of working time.
This is how you can contact us:
As usual, our customer care team, our support, onboarding and sales teams are available for you on workdays and can be contacted via email or phone.Support
Our support is available for you from Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and from 9am to 1pm on Friday. Give us a call or contact us via email.
Onboarding Service
Our onboarding service is available via phone from Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and from 9am to 1pm on Friday. All telephone appointments that have already been scheduled will take pace.
Were you in touch with one of our account managers? All further conversations and telephone appointments are going to take place at the agreed times. You can contact our sales team via phone from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and from 9am to 1pm on Fridays.
Questions concerning home office, mobile time tracking and short-time working with TimeTac
Working time can also be tracked from home, via laptop or our smartphone app. This enables you to maintain an location-independent overview of all employees and their working times.Our customer care team is happy to assist you and provide you with answers concerning the usage of TimeTac and the smartphone app in home offices. As having your employees work short-time might also be of interest for you, we are pleased to offer you information on short-term work and other working time models. Contact us via phone or email – we are looking forward to answering your questions.
We wish you all the best to conquer these challenging times but most of all: Stay healthy!
Your TimeTac Team